Hotel Meson de la Luna

Medical Tourism

The perfect place for your speedy recovery

Facilities for your recovery

At the Hotel Mesón de la Luna, the facilities are designed for the recovery of patients who require prolonged stays. We have rooms and facilities for post-operative recovery, with special beds and bathrooms, wheelchairs, complementary accessories and a healthy menu.

Handicapped room

To facilitate access and mobility, we offer spacious rooms, with wide corridors, we have two elevators, one of which is a stretcher type, which allows easy mobility in a wheelchair if required. The bathrooms are adapted, have complementary accessories and some rooms have a telephone in the bathroom. Likewise, if you require it, we have access to suppliers of specialized equipment for rent, for your quick and comfortable recovery.

Strategic location

The strategic location of the state of Yucatan allows us to be connected by air within our country, as well as abroad. And peninsular patients arrive by road.

The Hotel Mesón de la Luna is located in the north of Mérida, in this area of hospitals, clinics and medical offices, we are in front of the Star Medica Hospital, near the High Specialty Hospital, La Plaza Millenium with medical offices and operating rooms, in In the surroundings we have the Altabrisa shopping mall with hundreds of brands and franchises to enjoy, near the hotel we have a bus terminal for transportation to other cities in the country.

Nearby hospitals

About us

Hotel Meson de la Luna

The Mesón de la Luna Hotel is made up of 2 towers, offering different category options according to your needs, with a total of 83 rooms classified into 41 standard rooms, 37 executive rooms, 2 junior suites, 2 master suites and a penthouse.